May 10, 2012
DeKalb County cop Jerad Wheeler and Ms. Raven Dozier.
ATLANTA — An Atlanta-area cop is currently being investigated on possible criminal charges for kicking a nine-months pregnant woman in the stomach.
Ms. Raven Dozier was at a home when police were called because of a custody dispute between her brother and his child’s mother. DeKalb County cop Jerad Wheeler responded and got in a verbal argument with Ms. Dozier’s brother. The cop shot the young man with a Taser, which made Ms. Dozier start crying and asking the cop why he electrocuted her brother. But instead of simply answering the question, Wheeler kicked Ms. Dozier in the stomach, causing her stomach to bruise. The cop then charged Ms. Dozier with obstruction of justice. But when he took her to the jail, the employees there immediately noticed she was pregnant and let her go. A prosecutor ultimately dropped the charge.
Wheeler wrote in his lie sheet (“police report”) that he did not know Ms. Dozier was pregnant and described the assault as a “front push-kick to the abdomen like I was taught at the academy.” The kick caused Ms. Dozier to get an emergency cesarean section two-weeks later, as the kick caused her son, Levi, to defecate in her womb. Luckily, Levi is four-month old today, and healthy. Though Dozier filed a complaint with DeKalb County, the incident was never investigated and police said what Wheeler did was “within department policy.” It is unclear whether Wheeler was rewarded with a paid vacation, aka “paid administrative leave” as a result of reports that he is now being investigated for possible criminal charges.
Watch a report from WSB-TV ABC Channel 2 in Atlanta.
This incident is not the first time Wheeler assaulted a woman. A 53-year-old woman complained that Wheeler painfully contorted her arm and slammed her into a police car for no apparent reason last September. She had come to the scene of a car accident her daughter got in to help her grandchildren. And just a few weeks after Wheeler kicked Ms. Dozier, he showed up to the wrong address for a call, and shot and killed the family dog at the house he did show up to. Wheeler’s actions in both cases were, of course, ruled “justified” and/or within department policy.
Ms. Dozier has retained an attorney for possible civil action. We will follow and update the progress of any potential criminal charges of Wheeler.
Cops are crooked liars…not heroes. They deserved to be drug through the mud.
That’s a bit over the top. There are a few cops who are not crooked liars, and who are actual heroes, but the percentage is seeming to decrease. IMO it is the captains and sergeants at briefings and in training sessions who overemphasize the danger an officer is in with their films of officers being shot by offenders at traffic stops, made easy to obtain by the introduction of dash cams, for example.
I’ve seen one such dash cam video of an officer telling a driver, “When I’m scared, you have no rights” when the driver was trying to protect his rights to privacy, etc.
A police officer’s job is not as dangerous as the following ten professions: 1. Logger; 2. Pilot; 3. Fisherman; 4. Iron/Steel Worker; 5. Garbage Collector; 6. Farmer/Rancher; 7. Roofer; 8. Electrical Power Installer/Repairer; 9. Sales, Delivery, and Other Truck Driver; 10. Taxi Driver/Chauffeur
Word to the wise – an officer has EVERY right to strike a woman attacking him.
If you want to be treated like a “LADY” – then try ACTING like one instead of a screaming banshee.
And no – YOU don’t get to question a police officer while he’s trying to take your out of control brother into custody.
Skanks looking for a payday – by the way – “Almost 9 mos pregnant” and “delivered two weeks after the incident” says that baby was done!
Meconium in the amniotic fluid is very very common.
The disrespect seems to run high in this family. To drag a police officer through the mud because you can’t control yourself – I certainly HOPE the state’s Child Protective Services is deeply involved with this family – those kids don’t stand a chance with this bunch of violent adults!
The officer was not attacked
he’s just acting like a jerk
you are a fucking idiot…I can’t understand how your mind can be so fucked up. Most likely your parents or the environment that you grew up in but thats no reason to still have these nonsensical beliefs. JESUS what is this world coming to!!